Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Language Doubling and Tripling

It seems like every day he blurts out a portion of a word to identify something - and he remembers and identifies it again. "Wi" for kiwi, "gran" for granola bar. I think he also knows his colors, he was pointing to some circles on the tv and saying "green" "red" and "Yell" (yellow).

A favorite thing he does now is grab something he's not supposed to have (like one of our cellphones) and then he runs away, hands up in the air, doing a mixture of "gobblgobblgobbl" and a sound reminiscent of ET when he gets scared. HILARIOUS.

The advent of the word "MINE" has also come. And the funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he learned it from the Sesame Street episode "Mineitis" that was supposed to teach about sharing, ironically enough. He says it in this super-Gollum-esque way. And very clearly - 'MIne." He has even pointed to me a few times and said, "MIne". I just nod my head and say, "Yup, that's right, I'm yours."

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