Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Start This Blog?

I realized today that there are a number of stories about my now 16-month old son, that I want to remember. Maybe to share with him one day - but mostly to record some precious moments for myself - so I can read these entries one day in the future when I am sad, or forgetful, or needing to smile. So it begins...

Here are the three precious memories that have been nagging at me for days.

1. Around 15 months, Rumsey is really clear on what he is NOT supposed to do, and sometimes enjoys pushing those boundaries. However, he did something especially cute related to this - made all the more funny because it was clear he was trying to be sneaky - and was totally incapable of it. He is not supposed to play with the cat food. So, on this particular day, he had wandered over to the cat's bowl, and stood there. I was in the room with him. So he turned to me and waved, saying "Bye!" Essentially asking me to turn and leave so that he could disobey me without me seeing him do it!!

2. A few weeks ago we were having a rough morning. We all wanted to sleep in, Rumsey was cranky and sort of wanted to sleep in too, but also wanted to play with stuffed animals, and his water sippy cup, etc. He threw the sippy cup, somewhat deliberately AT MY HEAD, and really hurt me. I told him "NO! You can't do that! YOu can't throw things. You HURT Mommy!" It took him a moment, but once he realized I was in pain, he started HOWLING. He was so sad. It was beyond pathetic. He crammed his little body next to mine, and grabbed my arms, pulling them around him, and rubbing my arms while he sobbed. It was like he was worried that I wouldn't love him anymore because he hurt me. BROKE. MY. HEART.

3. I went to pick him up today from school, and I had just showered, put on make-up, and dried my hair - styling it so it flipped out a bit. Needless to say, I don't get to do this often, so I looked different to Rumsey too! When I picked him up and started carrying him to the car he smiled at me knowingly, and used his hand ot flick my hair, playing with it! Then, as I strapped him into his carseat, he pointed to and touched my mouth, noticing the lipstick I was wearing, and smiled a beautiful smile.

That's all on the son of mine update for now!!